How can I....
How can I sleep
when I know
when I see
How will I hold my head up high
when I feel pain
I am who I am
don´t want to be
the girl with anger
with a growing hate
for those who lie
never listen
never can feel
How can I sleep
when I know
when I see
How will I hold my head up high
when I just feel pitty
For those who never can sacrifise
never feel pain
or can cry
love for others
forget to be selfcentered
How can I sleep
when I know
when I see
How will I hold my head up high
when I just feel sorrow
For those who fight
for those hatefull words
One lie grows
bad words hurts
see through the others eye
hear the thruth
see the tears
feel the pain
How can I sleep
when I know
when I see
How will I hold my head up high
when I just want to understand why
Det går över och skit i alla idioter
Kram MOR